Richard Batterley PhotoGraphs

The world of captured lights

Richard's blogs - often something to say about "things photography"

Over the years Richard has built a reputation  as a "thought leader" in photography and at the same time people have realised he can write about many photography topics in an easy to understand way, without trying to look clever by confusing everyone with technology.


He's a great believer in David Ogilvy's expression "Anyone can make things so complicated only they can understand it, it takes a really clever person to make things simple enough for us all to understand it."


So in response to popular demand as a topic grabs Richard's attention and he thinks other people might be interested in it, we've persuaded him to write articles about these topics and we'll post them here for you to read.


There will be new articles appearing all the time so it's worth coming back regularly to have a look at Richard's Latest Blog.


Here's an index of his blogs

just click on the headline of the topic that interests you and you'll be taken straight to the blog: