Richard Batterley PhotoGraphs

The world of captured lights

Richard talks about things photographic

Richard is a highly accomplished public speaker and has spoken at many conferences in countries around the world.  In the world of photography he is best known for his informative and entertaining talks on the development of photography from the world of the scientist in the 1820's to the world of the photographic artist today.


He is also committed to "taking the word of photography" to the wider community.  You could say he's a bit of a photographic evangelist!


There are two talks he is most renowned for:


120 years of cameras ...

... and the photographs they might have taken.

This is a fascinating look at the development of photography illustrated by photographs from across the decades (since 1822) and actual antique, vintage and retired cameras from Richard's own personal and unique collection of historic cameras (it has to be seen to be believed!).


A 20 20 vision of photography ...

... Inspiration and Satisfaction

In this talk Richard looks at the work of some of the truly great photographers of the last 150 years and why they have inspired him in his work.  And then he talks about why he has gained particular satisfaction from some of his own photographs over the years ... each one quite different in its own way.


So if you have a community group ... be it a school, a camera club, Probus or Rotary Club or any other community based organisation ... please feel free to contact us and ask for more information about Richard speaking to your group.  For most groups there is no charge for any of his talks.  As we said, he's a bit of an enthusiastic evangelist on things photographic!


To ask about Richard speaking at one of your organisation's vents, just use the form on the CONTACT page of this website.

Richard Batterley to give
TWO interesting talks

- 120 years of cameras

- 20/20 vision
(inspiration and satisfaction)
"Inspire at the Library"
series at Willoughby Library
Click here for details